In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
O Allah! Protect Your vicegerent Hujjat (the Proof) b. al-Hasan and send salutations upon him,
and his ancestors, now as well as at all the times,
(as our) Imam, Guardian, Supporter, and Guide until such time when you bestow upon him the honor of heading the (Divine) Government.
And let the people be delighted in his reign, by bestowing success, and by extending his reign

The center  of Specialist studies at Al-imam Almahdi (atf):

The idea of Al-Imam Al- Mahdi(atf)is one of the most important topics presented on the scientific field with its various doctrines ,ideologies and philosophical trends. The all believes in the promised Day ,a day which is justice, prosperity and happiness of all mankind will be fulfilled , but they differ according their school _whether they are depending on bias or subjective criterion_ in the character which achieve this Global government

The most prominent theory  at that level- I mean diagnosing adequate character  to carry all these burdens and performing this function, which all the mankind aspires - is the thesis of the rightful doctrine of Shiite .

Responsibly speaking we can say that Twelfth imamate Shiite theory in identifying  this character is the suitable theory which is in harmony with human  instinct  from one side and lots of acceptable texts  on another side .

This what we seek to make it a basic truth a studied movement  adopted by our center depending upon in its addressing rationality and agreed upon and correct inheritance.

Also we cannot ignore the impact of emotional side  in forming the new ,rational and meaningful form of muslims' mind .

Thus we take this in consideration and give it priority  in the purposeful movement of the center.

1. As we have previously stated that Al-Imam Mahdi(atf)  is a universal  issue that deserves attention at both the theoretical or practical level.
2. The issue of Al- Imam Al-Mahdi (atf) represents the last item in the Shiite theory which expresses the original understanding of Islam and it regards the belief in the prophet  and his progeny as a one united belief cannot be separated . So supporting this ideology and defending it and  planting it in the hearts of the believers is a kind of defending the  doctrine as a whole ;without this belief it will go astray .
3. The issue of al- Ima Al Mahdi (atf) difers from other Imams (a,s) in  several aspects:
A. The  Imam was alive and if this case was existed in the conscience of the individual and found its way into a nation will be change to the better .
B. Because of the circumstances sruonded the birth and growth  of Alimam Al-mahdi (a,s) and the minor occultation and the long period of major occultation ;the issue of Al-imam       Al-mahdi faced a lot of doubts and suspicions much more than what had existed in the age the other Imams (a,s).
C. As the issue of Imam Mahdi  is a general Islamic but also universal  case, so we can see  many who pretend to have the upper hand in it and apply it to  their  visions, ideas, and  their school. Therefore  we should identify and state the correct school and its features and its scientific methods.
D. The cloudy Mahdian culture  in Iraqi society especially because  the bad effects of former regime and  its  efforts to remove all the features of  Shiism and at all levels, especially the idea and practice of waiting for Al-mahdi (a,s)  it is considered a motive giving the positive spirit to reject the unjustice and preparing for  the great reappearance .
E. Add to all this, we find some people with weak hearts try hard in various ways and means ,at the past and at the present time to pretend to be the character of Al-mahdi or one of his followers to obtain a portion of the wreckage of this world.
For these impotant  reasons and others the center was established by the efforts of sayyed Jawad Shahrastani and the blessing of The Higher Marjeah of the Supreme Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani  (may Allah save him ) in Najaf Ashraf to be evidence illuminate the path of waiting through its  activities of various branches and sections .
 Section of the center :
His duty  is to serve members of the Centre and the scientific committees and follow up their work and their participation the development of detailed work on the administrative, scientific and reviewing books and publications with the scientific committees for the purpose of printing, plus the follow-up branches and divisions and try to serve them as possible.
Associate Administrative:
Associate administrative work is concentrated in the follow-up staff and review their records and absent , attendance and distribution of their salaries  in addition to archiving all the activities of branches and sections .Also he represents the   Director-General in a lot of meetings and visits of public and private.
Section libraries:
Section is available on a variety of libraries depending on the diversity of sources of learning are, where section contains:
1 Branch  of printed books.
2 Branch  of manuscripts.
3 Branch  of the audio and video Library
Investigation and writing section :
Designed to achieve mahdian heritage of books, articles and letters heritage and give priority to old and unprinted specialized books . work in this section specialist  researchers at this field .

In addition to the Scientific Committee which  reply and solve  the problems and doubts  . there are another specialized committee o writing.
Computer Section:
In this section there are computer-related activities such as the status of typesetting and correcting the publications of the center by computer and design, paintings and special covers of books and publications in addition to print out and prepare computer programs and maintenance of equipment and needs of  other sections .
Section Internet:
Clearly the Internet is of paramount importance in facilitating and narrow the gap in viewpoints in the beautiful parts of the world therefore benefited from the World Wide Web to expedite the delivery of true and authentic information to the general readers, through the establishment of a specialist site  in Al- Imam Mahdi(a,s), to be the interface information reflects the intellectual and ideological vision of the center .

Section of  notification via the Internet:
After a sense of the utmost importance of the World Wide Web at the speed the delivery of information and expand the scope  of the communication across the world the center established the Department of notification via internet  with scientific and technical cadres.
 Waiting magazine :
Despite the multiple mechanisms that seek to strengthen the community's cultural of Al-mam Almahdi ;the establishing  Magazine deals with the  affairs of this issue and keep up with the march of cultural objectives are the important work of the center of specialist Studies of Al-imam Almahdi .The magazines are closer mechanisms  to the recipient, and he establishes his culture through it , as well as monitoring of the aspirations of the public in this regard.

 The waiting  Magazine adopts new visions for the promotion of Al-mahdi  culture. it would enter any society aspires to see the update on the research presented in relation to this culture.
 is therefore the founding of this magazine in response to the urgent need perceived to flow to the most for the development of this important sense Rasti.
Section of Almahdi childhood :
To deepen the relationship between the child and his Imam Almahdi (a,s) Centre has a special section to care for this aspect of the child, for the sake of  knowing the child his imams first and secondly to increase his love and hard work to get his  satisfaction .
Information Section:
This section adopts the propaganda and media for the purpose of disseminating public awareness of the issue of Imam Mahdi,(a,s) through the print and annual calendars and greeting, posters and expected annual diary and the work of the paintings displayed in a large optical fields and public roads which reminds some conversations, novels and Prayers competent secretariat to peace.

Publishing section ;
The  publishing section a final result of the work of departments and branches of the Centre therefore Through the activities of several sections at the Centre were issued numerous books relating to Al-Mahdi (a,s) and waiting quarterly journal and diary expected annual and childhood stories of Almahdi  and many, calendars and other publications.
Section sisters:
The activity of this section to activate the belief  of Al-mahdi (a,s) and consolidation in the feminist aspect of society and by establishing meetings , lectures and monthly competitions and other events and focuses its activities in academic schools in girls from primary to university in addition to openness and participation of all public activities of the center.

Public Relations Department:
The work is concentrated in forming good  relations at all social levels  especially (Alhoza Alilmiah ) and academic studies and opening to different cultural institutions and personalities with a view to complementing the Al-imam Almahdi(a,s) culture .
Translation Department:
One of the new sections we need not to clarify  its necessity and importance as  it is clear to every one .It is considered  the intellectual link between nations through networking and the representative of nations through conveying the ideas and thought of Al-mahdi culture .
Observing and follow-up section :
This section of special importance as a foundation stone to learn how to move the one which can monitor and follow up on a lot of activities around the Imam Al- Mahdi (a,s) and the issue of waiting in the affirmative and negative sides of  knowledge and  the other opinion. Knowing the other opinion and observing its movements helping to  overcome many difficulties for convergence and unity .Thus the center concerned with this section to observe and follow-up newspapers and magazines The articles and research on the Internet and staying movements and satellite channels and collection of statistics to many different issues relating to Al-mahdi(a,s) culture .
Section of Planning and projects:
This section adopts the general course fee applied by the Centre, through the annual development plans or put a five-year project and how to activate it on the ground and examine the pros and cons of each project resolve residence status and the development of solutions and overcome difficulties before these projects and theses.
Branches of the Centre:
Kut Branch : At the beginning  of 2006  the branch of  Kut was opened with the cooperation of Foundation Hura Zeinab (a,s)the section practicing its activity and rooting for the culture of  Al-mahdi by the efforts of employees across many diverse actors, including:
1) scientific personalities invited to deliver specialist  lectures .
2) a variety of competitions and at all levels and various classes.
3) Establishing a lot of scientific and artistic exhibitions in the province.
Branch of sacred  Qum : opened branch in holy Qum opened its activities  in 2005 to form an important and necessary as the second most prominent religious sect's University to benefit from this spring's scientific and cultural development in the nest of Mohammed in addition to caring for all versions of the printing and distribution and dissemination in various countries of the world.
As the convening of relations and cultural ties with various institutions and personalities that are active in regard to  Almahdi  issue  .  
Official status: Sayyed. Mohamed  Alqubanchi.