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المقالات Summary Article: The Globalization of the West and the Universality of the Government of Imam Al-Mahdi

القسم القسم: الخلاصات الشخص الكاتب: Ati Abiat, Ph. D. التاريخ التاريخ: ٢٠١٩/٠٢/٠٧ المشاهدات المشاهدات: ٢١٥١ التعليقات التعليقات: ٠

Summary Article: The Globalization of the West and the Universality of the Government of Imam Al-Mahdi

Ati Abiat, Ph. D.

Globalization is a relatively recent phenomenon that is overwhelming the academic halls and their discussions. Not so far, the effect of this concept has been occupying the Islamic world and its cultural circles, with its relative concepts, as the cosmic information revolution, the revolution of super fast communicative links, the world as a small village, multi national global companies, duty free economy, and alike, they all have been discussed with an attitude of admiration.
Though this is a modern concept, it reveals Man’s need to communicate with each other peacefully. This humanistic feature is highlighted and promoted by God.
A progressive community is always supportive of a global society, which represents the best means of universal communication. That community also believes in the necessity of globalizing the true Islam. The best manifestation of this true global Islam is the Utopia of Imam Al-Mahdi that realizes the ultimate aspirations of humanity and ends all injustice and oppression.
The rise of this utopia shall take place only after all humanity realizes that there is no other earthly solution to their problems, then to get united under the peaceful banner of Imam Al-Mahdi.
In this research, I will explain the meaning of globalization and its founding. Then I will move on to encounter the universality of the government of Imam Al-Mahdi and its positive effect on the world.

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