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 الصفحة الرئيسية » اعداد المجلة » العدد ١/ جمادى الأخرة/ ١٤٣٧هـ » الخلاصات » Summary Article: The Signed Written Letters of Imam al-Mahdi: A Close Reading

المقالات Summary Article: The Signed Written Letters of Imam al-Mahdi: A Close Reading

القسم القسم: الخلاصات التاريخ التاريخ: ٢٠١٦/٠٣/٠٩ المشاهدات المشاهدات: ٢٩١٩ التعليقات التعليقات: ٠

summary article: The Signed Written Letters of Imam al-Mahdi: A Close Reading

Nizar al-Sunbul al-Qatefi
Translated by: Haidar Mazen

This research dissects the variety of ways، including signed written letters، in which Ahlul-bait communicated with their followers (Shia) to teach them the correct teachings of Islam، answer their questions، and solve their problems.
This research answers the following questions: What are the signed written letters? What is their purpose? What are the different types of these letters? Especially for Imam al-Mahdi’s signed written letters، How were these letters sent to the representatives of The Imam at that time? How were they then delivered to the Shia? What was the type of font that was used in these letters? And How did the Shia at that time benefit from these letters to solve their problems in sciences، society، jurisprudence، and many other subjects?
The research answers these questions using a clear and scientific method by relying on the narrations by Ahlul-bait، the signed written letters by Imam al-Mahdi، and the Shia scholars’ interpretations.
The research also clarifies and explains these signed written letters and the reason why they were issued to the Shia.

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