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المقالات Summary Article: Seeing Imam Mahdi: The Possibility and Prevention

القسم القسم: الخلاصات التاريخ التاريخ: ٢٠١٦/٠٣/٠٩ المشاهدات المشاهدات: ٣٠١٥ التعليقات التعليقات: ٠

Summary Article: Seeing Imam Mahdi: The Possibility and Prevention

Sayyed Mahmood al-Mukaddas al-Gurayfi
Translated by: Haidar Mazen
This research discusses the possibility of seeing Imam Mahdi with the designation of the Imam as a person، because as it is recognized that the absence of the Imam is not an absence of his person but an absence of his identity. Therefore، without any doubt، Imam Mahdi lives among us and knows us and we see him without knowing it.
On other hand، seeing Imam Mahdi by identifying and recognizing his person with assertion and certainty is no one’s claim، despite the large number of claimants that refer to seeing him this way.
The research discusses textual evidence by the representative of Imam Mahdi during his minor occultation، al-Samari، along with Shia scholars’ opinions in this field that confirm the forbiddance for anyone of seeing Imam Mahdi by identifying and recognizing his person with assertion and certainty.
The research then discusses the situation of a number of people who’ve been said that they’ve met Imam Mahdi like Sayyed Bahr al-Uloom and al-Mukaddas al-Ardabeeli. The research then describes this as an incomplete narration of what has happened with them and what has been said about them.
The research sheds light on more topics such as:
Proving the existence and birth of Imam Mahdi in the year ٢٥٥ (A.H.) and how it needs no evidence and clues of this kind. There are many more logical and textual evidence for this matter.
The Imam’s absence does not prevent him، in turn، from reform in society and religion
The view of some scholars on the difference between visioning and seeing The Imam
The doctrine of Mahdism، visioning him، and the consequences
Then the research concludes with the result that seeing Imam al-Mahdi in this world is possible، but proving the seeing of his person with assertion and certainty is impossible).

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