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 الصفحة الرئيسية » اعداد المجلة » العدد ١/ جمادى الأخرة/ ١٤٣٧هـ » الخلاصات » Summary Article: Summarizing The Book of ‘al-Ghayba’ On The Occultation of The Twelfth Imam by Shaikh al-Tusi

المقالات Summary Article: Summarizing The Book of ‘al-Ghayba’ On The Occultation of The Twelfth Imam by Shaikh al-Tusi

القسم القسم: الخلاصات التاريخ التاريخ: ٢٠١٦/٠٣/٠٩ المشاهدات المشاهدات: ٣١٤٧ التعليقات التعليقات: ٠

Summary Article: Summarizing The Book of ‘al-Ghayba’ On The Occultation of The Twelfth Imam by Shaikh al-Tusi

Abbas Ismaeel Zadah
Translated by: Haidar Mazen
This research summarizes the book of ‘al-Ghayba’ On The Occultation of The Twelfth Imām by Shaikh al-Tusi. Despite the fact that numerous books have been written on Mahdism and many authors discussed the issues surrounding Imam Mahdi، however، among this vast amount of literature، the book، ‘al-Ghayba’ On The Occultation of The Twelfth Imām by Shaikh al-Tusi، proves the existence of Imam Mahdi and the concept of “occultation” and “reappearance” by providing logical and textual evidence.
This research addresses the definition of this book: its theme، descriptions، the reason why it was written، and the place and time of its writing. Then the research discusses the importance of the book and its scientific value in the treatment of the “occultation” and “reappearance” of the Imam. Then it exposes both the mentioned and unmentioned sources that Shaikh al-Tusi has used.
Moreover، the research examines the scholars that narrated the Hadeeth that Shaikh al-Tusi referred to in his book.
Ultimately، the research mentions some beneficial and side information about Mahdism giving a
comprehensive and detailed definition of Mahdism.

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