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المقالات Summary Article: The Awaited Mahdi in The Holy Quran

القسم القسم: الخلاصات التاريخ التاريخ: ٢٠١٦/٠٣/٠٩ المشاهدات المشاهدات: ٢٨٧٨ التعليقات التعليقات: ٠

Summary Article: The Awaited Mahdi in The Holy Quran

Abdulzahra Turki al-Fatlawi
Translated by: Haidar Mazen
This research discusses Imam al-Mahdi in The Holy Quran. The research has come up with the following conclusions:
The Holy Quran is an absolute truth that is agreed upon between Muslims. Its text is a miracle that cannot be replicated or refuted.
The Holy Quran predicted future events that will occur before the Day of Resurrection. Some of these events include: the appearance of an animal from Earth that speaks with people; the descent of Prophet Jesus from The Heavens; the resurrection of some dead people; the rise of the sun from the West; the emergence of a big smoke that covers the whole Earth; a call in the skies; an eclipse in one part of the world; and the entry of hordes of believers to save Jerusalem from the Jews.
The Holy Quran predicted the victory of the religion of Islam. Ultimately، it will be the only religion that will cover the entire planet as it will create a world possessing highly desirable and perfect qualities.
The leader of this world must have characteristics of being able to build a virtuous civilization. The Holy Quran revealed that this leadership (Imamate) is confined to the offspring of Prophet Ibrahim. From this family، an elite group was chosen by God based on its qualities.
The Mahdi is not explicitly mentioned by name in the Holy Quran، however، scholars and interpreters know the verses that have references to The Mahdi.
The divine revelation may communicate with human beings، other than Prophets، as it happened with the apostles of Jesus Christ and the mother of Prophet Moses. Therefore، it is obviously possible that this revelation communicates with the Savior who God assigns to lead the entire world.
Some supernatural abilities God has given to some of his creatures like “the one who has some knowledge of the book” (the one who brought Queen of Sheba’s throne to King Solomon). Therefore، it is possible that this power is given to the Savior that God assigns to defeat evil، destroy darkness، and enlightens people by setting up a virtuous world.
The belief in “the unseen” is a characteristic of a Muslim. The Mahdi is from “the unseen” which was proven by The Holy Qur’an.

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